
Tools for a Deeper Life

There is nothing more important and rewarding than your relationship with God.

We want you to have every opportunity to grow in the knowledge and love of our Saviour Jesus Christ. 

There are several indispensable ingredients to the fully supported Christian life:

  1. Faith - trusting Jesus Christ to lead you in holiness, forgive your sins and fill you with his Holy Spirit .
  2. Scripture - the Word of God, the Bible, is the only infallible guide to faith and life.  Essential Encouragement, guidance and correction will be found here.
  3. Prayer - Praise, thanks, confession, asking for help and listening to God are all taught in the Bible, but they are also essential for understand what you read there.
  4. Application - Act on what you learn from God. He is not interested in only informing us. He wants obedience so we are transformed, and become like Jesus in divine love.
  5. Family - the church is the family of God, and He intends that we learn from one another. It is not heroic to try to make it on our own, it is prideful. Accept help from trustworthy Christians, and offer help to any in need. If you really want to grow to maturity in Christ let these resources draw you into the company of other believers.

We have found these resources to be useful and faithful. 

Most of these are free to anyone, but we have included resources to which we have purchased a subscription for the use of our congregation.