New Discovery Groups

PXL_20241231_192920881.jpgA Season of Discovery

As the New Year begins our conscience often tells us to make strict resolutions and hard choices to achieve goals for our well being –
  • physical
  • mental
  • emotional
  • spiritual
  • relational
  • lifestyle

Maybe the Holy Spirit is speaking in us as we contemplate these things. But I suggest that sometimes our conscience can make a very heavy burden out of otherwise good ideas.

Instead, Jesus promises to increase our joy, to give us abundant life, and to bring rest and restoration to weary souls. Where the conscience demands, Jesus invites. And he is inviting us all to discover his friendship, rest in his goodness, and be strengthened by his resurrection power.

As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When can I go and meet with God? (Ps 42:1–2)

This winter you are invited to choose options to re-discover grace in your friendship with Jesus. Discovery groups are re launching with an expanded menu of choices. Please take a few moments to ask the Lord which of these is right for you.

Starting the week of January 13, 2024, 6-8 weeks.

  • Monday Morning: 10am Abide in Christ is designed to breathe fresh air into your daily walk with God.
  • Tuesday Morning: 10:30 am Hymns of my Heart: listen to God as he speaks through the music, lyrics and origins of your favourite worship music.
    (Each participant will be asked to identify two favourite songs so we can listen and reflect on the message, the scriptures which inspired it and the author’s testimony.)
  • Tuesday Evening: 6:30 pm Core Disciple-making – this smaller group will have an intensive focus on the essential practices and content for making disciples.
  • Thursday Morning: 10:30am Grow Character – in this Sequel to Abide in Christ, we learn to let the Holy Spirit guide our daily walk to develop the Fruit of the Spirit together.
  • Thursday Evening: A Woman’s Heart: God’s Dwelling Place (Beth Moore) contact Erica Wilkie (613-899-6437;
  • Friday Morning: 9:30 am Men’s Fellowship. This weekly breakfast is at The Family Central
  • Saturday Morning: monthly Men’s Breakfast held in various homes includes a time of reflection on God's Word. One Saturday each month. Contact Peter Ungar for more information.

To be scheduled:

Praying for our church and family – growing through effective and transformative prayer for God’s kingdom in our midst.

Ages Outreach – Join as a volunteer bringing worship and discovery to our members and friends in retirement and nursing homes. 

Other times may be available for any of the topics,

  • noon time & afternoons Monday to Thursday
  • Evenings Monday
  • Other times depending on available leadership.

Leadership: Are you being prodded by the Holy Spirit to help support one of these groups as a leader or co leader? Please contact me directly!

Your soul needs to drink from the well-spring of life, and taste again the goodness of God!

I look forward to meeting with you in our journey of revival. Please contact me with your picks for Discovery this season

Sincerely, Rev. Brian Wilkie