
St. Paul's United Church Youth Ministry

Our Mission:

Our mission is to see every young person experience the abundant life found in knowing, believing, and trusting in the gospel of Jesus Christ.

We want to see our students becoming hyper-conscious of their decision to follow Jesus and playing an active role in their relationship, that Jesus reconciles, between them and God through the power of the Holy Spirit. As youth program leadership we will be intentional and integral while engaging our students; using compassion, wisdom, and discernment. We want to learn more about who they are, hear about what they believe, and share about our faith in Jesus Christ. As we continue to get to know these teens we will also be trying to help them from one seat to the next, using The 4 Chairs of Discipleship process. The 4 Chairs of Discipleship is a process of moving people through four metaphoric chairs, in series, for the purpose of disciple-making. The 4 Chairs of Discipleship?

The 4 Chairs of Discipleship:

Chair #1: Come and See
(People who would encounter Jesus were amazed and would report back the their communities. Often they would implore people to Come and See, Jesus!)

Chair #2: Follow
(Jesus would often encourage others to, stop what they were doing and, "Follow me.")

Chair #3: Fish for People
(Becoming a fisher of man meant that Jesus was going to use his disciples to grow the kingdom of God.)

Chair #4: Bear Fruit and Go Share
(The fruit of the spirit are: Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, and Self Control.)

As youth program leadership we are committed to seeing our youth move through The Four Chairs of Discipleship.
1) We want them to Come and See Jesus.
2) We want them to Follow Jesus.
3) We want them to Fish for People and tell their friends, family, and their community about the hope that they have found in Jesus.
4) We want them to Bear Fruit and Go Share the fruit of the spirit, while developing Christ-like character.

We welcome Shane Gorman as our new youth Pastor!

         Shane has an incredible passion to see youth thriving and living off of the word of God. He may not be perfect, but we believe he is incredibly suited to work with our youth. After years of mental health issues and drug addiction he has come to know and love Jesus. Shane began his recovery journey in January of 2018 with a Christ-centered recovery group called Celebrate Recovery. Since then, he has been celebrating and praising God through 5 years of recovery and freedom from his addictive and compulsive behaviours and his drug abuse associated character defects. He has experienced a radical transformation and is in great anticipation awaiting all the refining that God will continue to do in his life. We are excited to walk along side him as he continues to undergo change and we want to support him as he continues to live out God's will for his life. As he ministers to our youth, please pray that he continues to pursue excellence and righteousness; in order that he may be an even greater example of Christ-like character and an example of what God is capable of doing when we partner with His Holy Spirit.

         Shane lives with his younger brother Nicholas in St. Thomas, Ontario; where Shane works in a part time position with Youth Unlimited Youth for Christ (YU YFC); at 21 Edward Street in St. Thomas, Ontario. This is a local missionary position where he is required to fundraise his own salary and minister to communities throughout Elgin County. God has provided for him in miraculous ways and he has managed to raise enough money to support a paid position working 20 hours a week with YU YFC. God has been so good to him, providing many loyal and generous ministry partners who support him voluntarily, prayerfully, and financially. Shane recognized God's calling for his life and does not see money as a barrier to ministry; but he humbly accepts it is an essential resource in today's world. Shane has committed to being a local missionary and will continue to minister in the Elgin County area until God calls him elsewhere. We are so pleased that Shane has decided work, here in Aylmer, with us at St. Paul's United Church, to live out God's calling on his life; through a paid partnership agreement between SPUC and YU YFC. Paid Partnership?

         St. Paul's United Church (SPUC) and Youth Unlimited Youth For Christ (YU YFC) have made a paid partnership agreement stating that Shane will be committing 10 -12 hours to SPUC each week to establish and maintain a youth group program for students between the ages of 12 and 18 at SPUC. Shane began meeting with our youth Wednesday evenings between 6:30 and 8:30 in November 2022 at SPUC and he is very excited to be working with us and with our students. Please, be praying for our students also. We would like to see many students in attendance become receptive to the gospel message and experience the same hope, in Jesus, that Shane has found.

Current Youth Program:

Where: St. Paul's United Church - 5 Queen Street N, Aylmer, Ontario, Canada
When: Wednesday Evenings between 6:30Pm and 8:30Pm and Sunday Mornings, after worship, between 10:15Am and 11:00Am
What: Studying the life of Jesus, fostering spiritual practices, applying Biblical principles to lifestyle, researching theological concepts, having fun, and building relationships. 
Who: Children and Teens between the ages of 12 and 18.
Why: To spread the gospel message of Jesus and share in the delight we have for the hope we found in Jesus and our reconciled relationship with God through the Holy Spirit.

Leadership Team:
Shane Gorman - Acting Youth Pastor
Nicholas Gorman - Volunteer Youth Leader
Jeremy Webster - Sunday Morning Service Program Leader
Teresa Webster - Sunday Morning Service Program Leader
Ian Webster - Social Media, etc..

*Wednesday night Volunteer Youth Leaders needed*